Sunday 22 March 2015

Evaluation - How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my audience by using a plug on the front cover of my magazine. This attracts my audience as they will see that they will have a chance to win free items. For my magazine I made a £15 iTunes voucher available to win for my audience. I did this as my target audience will be interested in iTunes and will use it quite often. Also, they may not have the money to spend £15 on iTunes as they do not have much disposable income so they will want to win a voucher to spend on iTunes. By including a plug, I also ensured that I followed the conventions of a music magazine. Music magazines tend to include plugs on their front covers as they want to entice their audience into buying the magazine. They also include a plug in order to give the audience a chance to win something in return for buying the magazine. I also attracted my audience by making my magazine £2.50 which is cheap enough for my target audience to afford, however the magazine is still good quality despite being cheap. I also made free Leeds Festival tickets available. This would attract my audience as they would see the chance to win the tickets on my front cover and that may persuade them to buy it. Also, they may not have the money available to buy tickets to Leeds Festival as my magazine is aimed at band E on the social class table so they may just want the chance to go to Leeds Fest for free.
Another way that I attracted my audience is including artists such as Snow Patrol on the cover of my magazine. Snow Patrol are a huge band in the Indie genre so by including their name on my front cover I will attract their fans, which will be the majority of my target audience as they are such a big band. This will help me expand my audience to fans of different artists as if they were to see one of their favorite artists name on the over of my magazine, it may persuade them to buy it.
Furthermore, I had to ensure that my magazine was similar to popular indie magazines such as Q and NME in order to be successful. I did this by using a similar colour scheme of black, red and white as Q's colour scheme is red and white and NME's colour scheme is black and red. This would allow my audience to relate my magazine to NME and Q's so my magazine would get were well known. I also attracted my audience through pull quotes. I used pull quotes as they are used to give the audience an insight as to what the feature stories in the magazine are about. i had to ensure that I used the pull quotes effectively to ensure that they entice the reader into buying the magazine. I also created a house style that i maintained throughout my front cover, contents page and double page spread. This ensured that mu product looked good quality and professional.

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