Tuesday 11 November 2014

Demographics and Social Class

Q magazine appals to older people as:

  • Expensive,
  • More text,
  • Better Quality

Demographics – measurable characteristics of media consumers such as age, gender, race, education and income level. The characteristics and statistical information distinguish a group of people. These characteristics commonly include age, gender, ethnicity, occupation, interests, and other quantifiable criteria. A business’ target demographic captures the group of people at which their products or services are aimed. By looking at these characteristics of an audience it helps us understand how to target a product, it helps to differentiate how to appeal directly to an audience.

Social class and demographics

·         To state which social class you will be aiming your magazine at.
·         To state how you will adhere to their needs.
·         To decide on the price of my magazine.
·         To understand what free gifts/prizes that they would like
·         How the social class table will help you with your feature stories and target audience.

Focus Group Response

1.       Why was it useful?
2.       How has it helped you in the decisions you will make when creating your magazine?
3.       Did you find out something that you would not expect to?
4.       What were your general findings?
5.       How has it made you change your initial ideas?

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