Sunday 22 March 2015

Evaluation - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Evaluation - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have used a lot of different technologies during the process of constructing my product. One of the technologies that I have used a lot is Photoshop. I used photoshop to produce my Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread. I feel like I have progressed my photoshop skills as I am now able to use tools that I couldn't before such as the spot healing tool, the outer glow tool and various other tools.
I have also used Blogger in order to showcase my work that I have produced including my product. I learned that Blogger is simple and easy to use as all you need to do it give your post a title and then add your work to it. I also used YouTube in order to post my focus group. This was also very simple to use as I already had a YouTube account so all i needed to do was record the video and upload it on my account. I also had to use a camera in order to record my focus group video. The camera that i used was a Canon EOS 1200d. I used this camera as it is a very high quality camera and will make my images and magazine look professional. By ensuring that my magazine looks more professional, the quality of my magazine will be improved. This means that my target audience will buy my magazine as it is of a high quality. The camera that I chose is also a camera that the photographers at NME, Q, and Kerrang! may use therefore my quality of image will be the same as those very successful magazines.
As well as my camera quality, I also had to ensure that the lighting on my images was of a good standard/quality. To ensure that the lighting in my images was professional, I used the three-point lighting plan. This consists of placing one light towards the left, one towards the right and one directly in the middle. This makes sure that the lighting is even and there is no shadow on the image. Below are examples of test shots that I took for my planning:

The lighting on these images is bad as there is a shadow on the left side of my models face. I leaned from carrying out these test shots that I would need to use the three-point lighting plan on my main image shots. I also used Microsoft Office as i used Publisher and PowerPoint. i used these programme's to carry out my planning and research. Before performing my planning and research I was already very experienced in using these programmes so I didn't really learn anything else. The last piece of technology that i used during this task is Prezi. I used this to present my evaluation in a different format to powerpoint. Before this task I had previously not used Prezi so I had to learn all of the skills and how to use it. 

Evaluation - How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my audience by using a plug on the front cover of my magazine. This attracts my audience as they will see that they will have a chance to win free items. For my magazine I made a £15 iTunes voucher available to win for my audience. I did this as my target audience will be interested in iTunes and will use it quite often. Also, they may not have the money to spend £15 on iTunes as they do not have much disposable income so they will want to win a voucher to spend on iTunes. By including a plug, I also ensured that I followed the conventions of a music magazine. Music magazines tend to include plugs on their front covers as they want to entice their audience into buying the magazine. They also include a plug in order to give the audience a chance to win something in return for buying the magazine. I also attracted my audience by making my magazine £2.50 which is cheap enough for my target audience to afford, however the magazine is still good quality despite being cheap. I also made free Leeds Festival tickets available. This would attract my audience as they would see the chance to win the tickets on my front cover and that may persuade them to buy it. Also, they may not have the money available to buy tickets to Leeds Festival as my magazine is aimed at band E on the social class table so they may just want the chance to go to Leeds Fest for free.
Another way that I attracted my audience is including artists such as Snow Patrol on the cover of my magazine. Snow Patrol are a huge band in the Indie genre so by including their name on my front cover I will attract their fans, which will be the majority of my target audience as they are such a big band. This will help me expand my audience to fans of different artists as if they were to see one of their favorite artists name on the over of my magazine, it may persuade them to buy it.
Furthermore, I had to ensure that my magazine was similar to popular indie magazines such as Q and NME in order to be successful. I did this by using a similar colour scheme of black, red and white as Q's colour scheme is red and white and NME's colour scheme is black and red. This would allow my audience to relate my magazine to NME and Q's so my magazine would get were well known. I also attracted my audience through pull quotes. I used pull quotes as they are used to give the audience an insight as to what the feature stories in the magazine are about. i had to ensure that I used the pull quotes effectively to ensure that they entice the reader into buying the magazine. I also created a house style that i maintained throughout my front cover, contents page and double page spread. This ensured that mu product looked good quality and professional.

Evaluation - Who would be the audience for your media product?